Thursday, February 25, 2016

Zika virus and Suspicions About Genetic Engineering

Zika virus and Suspicions About Genetic Engineering

In the midst of frenetic talks about the dangers of zika virus to the fetus, a group of doctors from Argentina to mention that not zika virus that cause birth defects. According to Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), they said that what triggered the case of smaller head circumference than normal (microcephaly) in infants in Brazil is caused by larvasida toxic, which is inserted into the drinking water of the population of Brazil.

Larvicidal chemicals originally injected into drinking water sources in Brazil in 2014 to stop the spread of mosquito larvae in the water tank. Chemicals called pyripoxyfen used in the government's program to control the mosquito population in the country. Pyriproxyfen is larvasida made by Sumitomo Chemimal, a company associated with Monsanto, genetic engineering companies.

Scientists Predict That took 10 Years To Find Zika Virus Vaccine

Scientists Predict That took 10 Years To Find Zika Virus Vaccine

US scientists who reviewed the Zika virus, warn, it took ten years before the vaccine is available to the public. This virus is associated with shrinkage of the unborn child, causing severe brain damage or death. Zika has spread to over 20 countries and caused panic in Brazil where thousands of people were infected. Currently there is no vaccine or cure, while test diagnosis is difficult to do.

The search of the vaccine was led by scientists at the University of Texas Medical Branch. They have visited Brazil to do research and collect samples. Now they are doing the analysis in the laboratory heavily guarded in Galveston. However, they cautioned that although the vaccine may be ready to test in two years, chances are it can take ten years before being allowed by the government.

Speaking to the BBC from a building guarded by the police and FBI, Professor Scott Weaver, director of the Institute for Human Infections and Immunity, said the fear of society against this virus is unfounded. The World Health Organization, WHO earlier estimated Zika virus will spread to the American countries except Canada and Chile.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Durrington Walls larger version of Stonehenge

Durrington Walls larger version of Stonehenge

British researchers said Monday they have found evidence of a larger version of Stonehenge is located approximately 2 miles from the famous prehistoric site.

The stones of 100-odd, which was discovered using ground-penetrating radar technology, sitting under three feet of earth and an estimated 4,500 years old - roughly the same age as the more famous henge on the road. The new find sitting under a henge known as Durrington Walls, a previously discovered, the younger "superhenge" once thought to be one of the largest settlements in Europe, which includes a space five times larger than Stonehenge.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

For baby's first car seat, choose a rear facing type

For a new parent and also grandparent, getting a portable car seat might sound a little difficult in the beginning. The suitable type seat is important to protecting an infant or toddler safe on a trip in the car. For baby's first car seat, choose a rear facing type. A rear facing seat, along with a reclined front seat, generates a comfy, safe spot for newborn

A toddler will often use a portable car seat until they are 40 pounds or once the tops of their ears are just about inline with the top of the car seat. After reaching 40 pounds, it is advisable to that you should take the baby to a booster seat attached with a seat belt.

A portable car seat prevents significant injuries in the event of a crash, so you are planning to check to see if the seat has even been in a crash. Keep in mind, if the passenger area of the car has an airbag, the car seat need to opt the back seat, not the front seat of the car. If you experience an accident and the car seat is in the front seat, the inflating airbag might result in dangerous injuries to your baby. For infants under 20 pounds, you will have to buy a rear facing portable car seat

This seat is required until the baby is 40 pounds or once the tops of their ears are just about inline with the top of the seat, after that the next consideration is a booster seat attached with a seat belt.

The following are several considerations to remember when looking for a portable baby car seat for the baby...

Various seats, particularly infant seats are made purposely for rear facing positions. Different car seats are very adaptable, but not as safe for newborns as well as little babies.

Car seat companies as well print the seat's weight and height specifications and also restrictions on the box. If the seat is uncomfortable for the baby, they will get moody.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Human Rights Watch published a investigation on drone attacks

United States authorities to blame for working on drone attacks could have to stand trial for war crimes, claims an investigation by Amnesty International, which provides civilian casualties in the strikes in Pakistan. The Amnesty International claim relies upon the study of the 9 from 45 drone attacks recorded around January 2012 and August 2013 in North Waziristan, the location in which the US drone mission is more intense.

The United States authorities understands the Amnesty International statement on drone attacks, reported by the team's chief of the South-Asia program, Polly Truscott. " At the very same time that Amnesty International's statement on Pakistan, Human Rights Watch published a investigation on drone attacks in Yemen.

The information, titled "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda" moreover details civilian casualties in previous drone attacks, two that, based to the information, were put in place "in obvious violation of the rules of war. In another statement, a UN report discovered some 33 drone hits all over the world - not only in Pakistan - that broken global humanitarian rule and generated lots of civilian casualties.

A couple of leading human rights organizations point out they have new reported lots of civilian deaths in U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan and also Yemen, contradicting statements by the Obama administration that those accidents are not that common. In Pakistan, Amnesty International researched 9 considered U.S. drone attacks that happened around May 2012 and July 2013 within the region of North Waziristan.

The organizations' data match with an investigation published Friday by a U.N. human rights researcher, who believed that 2,200 people are dead in drone attacks within the last few decade in Pakistan. "The complete idea will come to light if U.S. governments completely reveal the facts, situations and legal policy for every of the drone attacks," Amnesty International thought in their statement, titled "Will I Be Next ? U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan." Caitlin Hayden, a White House spokeswoman, refused to talk about the research.

In many other drone attacks mentioned in the research, the human rights organizations identified that the circumstances were much less clear-cut.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

In the early large-scale examine of 400 research documents in the neurochemistry of music, a group led by Prof. Daniel J. Levitin of McGill University's Psychology Dept. Has been manage to prove that playing and listening to music offers clear benefits for both mental as well as physical health. Especially, music was noticed both to boost the body's immune system function and to reduce levels of stress. Listening to music was also discovered to be more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery.

Listening to a song can have a significant effect on many areas of the brain, with scientific tests showing that areas responsible for aspects, such as memory and vision, can 'light up' in line with music. 'There's a really lots of reactions inside the body and mind to music, and brain imaging research shows that many areas of the brain are activated by a piece of music,' says Dr Victoria Williamson, lecturer in psychology at Goldsmith's College, London.

Based on 2011 figures from the mental health charity Mind, almost a third of people plugged into their music players to produce a mood boost about work, and nearly one in four said that they find listening to music on the way to the office can help them refresh. ' Which music? As there are several trends - fast upbeat music for exercising and slower-paced music to relax - finding music that have the desired effect is usually related to personal preference.

Scientists believe any kind of classical music like Mozart or Beethoven will help reduce muscle pain. On the days that the men exercised listening to music, they travelled 11 per cent further - when compared with the times they didn't listen to music. Which type of music is best ? The ideal kind of music for exercise is thought to be high energy, high tempo music like hip hop and dance music. Which type of music is best? Study reveals that individuals with memory loss respond best to music of their choice.

Reported by Concetta Tomaino, executive director and co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function and senior vice president for Music Therapy at CenterLight Health Systems, "We finally learn from clinical case research that music can affect - in very specific ways - human neurological, psychological and physical functioning in parts like learning, processing language, showing emotion, memory and physiological and motor responses." Latest research, furthermore reveals that the brain processes music in multiple areas.

Another great information about the power of music therapy is the Music & Memory video of Henry, an senior nursing home resident who seems in the beginning to be withdrawn, but upon hearing his favorite music on an iPod breaks out in song. You don't need to be a physician, scientist, memory care expert or music specialist to make meaningful connections through music.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to care for freshwater pearls

The pearls most of us wear today are cultured pearls, their existence initiated by humans who insert a bead or other object into an oyster or clam. Caring for Your Pearls Even cultured pearls with thicker coatings are more fragile than most other gemstones, so you must handle them carefully to keep them in the best condition.

Your body's natural oils can keep pearls moist and lustrous. To prevent chipping, pearl jewelry should be stored in soft cloth, away from other harder jewels. Keep pearls away from chlorine, hairspray, perfume, and cosmetics, as these substances will damage the pearl's surface. Pearls should be stored away from other objects or jewellery that may scratch the pearl's surface. Always remove any freshwater pearl jewellery before applying body or hand lotion Always store your freshwater pearls individually in a soft cloth or pouch. Do not use abrasive cleaners on your freshwater pearls or rub any of your freshwater pearl jewellery with an abrasive cloth.

Specifically speaking, before spraying perfume or hairspray and putting on makeup, make sure not to put pearls on, then gently wipe the pearls with a warm, damp cloth remove any traces of cosmetic products or body oils. Knotting the strand between each pearl will prevent all of the pearls from falling off the strand in the event the strand breaks.

The pearls in the necklace will gradually absorb acid from the skin and the acid will slowly eat into the spherical pearl. Cleaning Pearls After you wear pearls, just wipe them off with a soft cloth or chamois, which may be dry or damp. If pearls have not been kept clean and are very dirty, they can be cleaned by your Reviewed by jeweler or they can be cleans using special pearl cleaner.


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