If you want to write lyrics on something you know has been done a lot before then try it from a different perspective.
Decide how you want to write your song: Tune first or lyrics first.
Write as much detail as possible - remember it might not all go into your final lyrics.
Create a thought-provoking title but make sure it is relevant to your lyrics too.
If all else fails, simply make the lyrics a less prominent feature of the piece.
Words like "Fly", "High", "Sky" are very over used and will make your lyrics seem tacky.
The solution to this problem is to use words I call "Power words".
Decide how you want to write your song: Tune first or lyrics first.
Write as much detail as possible - remember it might not all go into your final lyrics.
Create a thought-provoking title but make sure it is relevant to your lyrics too.
If all else fails, simply make the lyrics a less prominent feature of the piece.
Words like "Fly", "High", "Sky" are very over used and will make your lyrics seem tacky.
The solution to this problem is to use words I call "Power words".