Saturday, July 6, 2013

How do I get quickly indexed by google?

so your blog or your website has not been indexed by google? it happens to many people, google work randomly, index the pages as they please, sometimes it took a few minutes and sometimes it took a few weeks. so apparently your blog or website takes weeks to be indexed by google. well, at least your blog or website finally indexed. ok, so the question is how do I get quickly indexed by google? actually I also do not quite understand, but you can do some following points which unfortunately I'm so lazy to do it.
  1. ping your blog or website ; You can go to or some other ping service websites, put your blog url there along with the description or title and then ping it.
  2. update your sitemap in google webmaster
  3. regularly update your blog, so google understands that your blog is active and send its bots to visit your blog
  4. avoid making dead links
  5. use a simple template ; so that the loading time is not long
I think that's enough for google to quickly index your blog or website

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